REST API Create Certificate

Create CertificateHTTPS POST

To create a new SSL certificate using the ZeroSSL API you will need to make an HTTPS POST request to the API's certificates endpoint. Below you will find the API request URL you will need to make your request to as well as all required and optional request parameters.

API Request URL:

HTTPS GET Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key access_key[Required] Use this parameter to specify your API access key.

HTTPS POST Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
certificate_domains certificate_domains[Required] Use this parameter to specify one or multiple comma-separated domains (or IP addresses) to be secured by your certificate. The first element of the list should be identical to the CN (common name) specified within your CSR.
certificate_csr certificate_csr[Required] Use this parameter to specify a certificate signing request (CSR) for your certificate. The CSR has to be 2048-bit or 4096-bit encrypted, otherwise it is rejected or might cause other issues. The CSRs' CN (common name) should be identical to the first element in your certificate_domains parameter.

It is highly recommended to use a fresh, unique and correct CSR for each and every certificate (for security reasons and in order to avoid any problems with the certificate).

Valid examples for the CSRs' CN (common name):,
certificate_validity_days certificate_validity_days For creating 1-year certificates specify 365 here, the default is 90. Other values are currently not supported.
strict_domains strict_domains Set this parameter to 1 in order to create a certificate exactly for the domains passed in the certificate_domains parameter. This means the certificates' Subject Alternative Names (SAN) will not include any alternative DNS entries.

In practice this mostly affects www./non-www. variants: While most users prefer to cover and validate both variants by default, you might want to create a certificate which covers exactly one of those variants.
replacement_for_certificate replacement_for_certificate Certificate hash of the certificate to be replaced. The certificate to be replaced must be in status issued or expiring_soon. You can only create one replacement certificate for an existing certificate. This parameter is entirely optional and not yet widely adapted. In the future it might be used in the UI.
Breaking change (BC) for few user agents The ZeroSSL REST API redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS with a 301 permanent redirect. According to the specification 301 redirects may not change the request method. Some clients which are not sticking to the specification will change a POST into a GET request to the same URL and this can lead to unexpected results. Make sure to use the correct request method. More information: Mozilla HTTP Status Code 301.
CSR is required Please note that in order for your certificate to be created you will be required to specify an existing CSR using the certificate_csr parameter. Here's a tool you can use to generate a new CSR.
Validate your CSR If you want to validate your CSR first you can use the validate CSR endpoint for the check.

API Response:

If your API request has been successful, you will receive a JSON API response containing all the details of your newly created SSL certificate. For illustration purposes, you will find an example API response below.

    "id": "a856a39a1c3ad0s8asa606g37667d221",
    "type": "1",
    "common_name": "",
    "additional_domains": "",
    "created": "2020-04-29 09:04:19",
    "expires": "2020-07-28 00:00:00",
    "status": "draft",
    "validation_type": null,
    "validation_emails": null,
    "replacement_for": "",
    "validation": {
        "email_validation": {
            "": [
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]",
                "[email protected]"
        "other_methods": {
            "": {
                "file_validation_url_http": "",
                "file_validation_url_https": "",
                "file_validation_content": [
                "cname_validation_p1": "",
                "cname_validation_p2": ""
            "": {
                "file_validation_url_http": "",
                "file_validation_url_https": "",
                "file_validation_content": [
                "cname_validation_p1": "",
                "cname_validation_p2": ""   

Response Objects:

Parameter Description
id idReturns the internal certificate ID, also referred to as certificate hash.
type typeReturns a numeric ID to identify the certificate type. Possible values: 1 (90-day), 2 (90-day wildcard), 3 (90-day multi-domain), 4 (1-year), 5 (1-year wilcard), 6 (1-year multi-domain)
common_name common_nameReturns the common name (e.g. of your certificate.
additional_domains additional_domainsReturns any additional domains (SANs) in your certificate.
created createdReturns the exact time (UTC) your certificate was created.
expires expiresReturns the exact time (UTC) your certificate will expire.
status statusReturns the current certificate status. Possible values: draft, pending_validation, issued, cancelled, revoked, expired
validation_type validation_typeReturns null if domain verification has not been initiated, or the selected verification type. Possible values: EMAIL (email verification), CNAME_CSR_HASH (CNAME verification), HTTP_CSR_HASH (HTTP file upload), HTTPS_CSR_HASH (HTTPS file upload)
validation_emails validation_emailsReturns one or a comma-separated list of selected verification emails if email verification is chosen for this certificate.
replacement_for replacement_forReturns the ID (certificate hash) of the existing certificate this certificate is replacing as part of a renewal.
validation validationReturns a series of sub-objects related to domain verification.
email_validation email_validationReturns an array of eligible domain verification emails.
other_methods other_methodsReturns a series of sub-objects (one for each domain in your certificate) containing alternative verification methods.
file_validation_url_http file_validation_url_httpReturns the URL (http format) your verification file must be uploaded to as part of domain verification.
file_validation_url_https file_validation_url_httpsReturns the URL (https format) your verification file must be uploaded to as part of domain verification.
file_validation_content file_validation_contentReturns the content your verification file must contain, consisting of three lines of plain-text.
cname_validation_p1 cname_validation_p1Returns the host-part (Name) of the CNAME-record that must be created as part of domain verification.
cname_validation_p2 cname_validation_p2Returns the value-part (Point To) of the CNAME-record that must be created as part of domain verification.
Certificate Issuance In order for your certificate to be issued, please note that you will need to complete one of the 3 available domain verification methods: Email Verification, Verification via CNAME Record, Verification via HTTP File Upload or Verification via HTTPS File Upload.